VPS / virtual private servers > Virtual servers - general

Provide wireguard on the host


Wireguard is the one modern VPN that just works - and is even designed to work with network namespaces/containers from the get-go. On older kernels like EL7's one needs an additional module package. The machine already run a kernel from elrepo and [wireguard for EL7 is offered there as well](https://www.wireguard.com/install/#red-hat-enterprise-linux-7-module-kmod-module-dkms-tools). Would it be possible to install and load the module so that users can integrate the vServers into their VPNs?


thank you for your feature request. Please login top customer panel and create a feature request with MenĂ¼ Item "Feature Voting". Describe it as best as possible and Link your forum post here for further discussion if other users would like to discuss that.

Thank you again for your membership in EUserv's forum and your feature request.


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