CBCI closed Betatest server offline again

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CBCI closed Betatest server offline again
« on: December 07, 2020, 02:58:24 PM »

Looks like before (CBCI closed Betatest server down again https://forum.euserv.com/index.php/topic,2156.0.html and CBCI closed Betatest server down? https://forum.euserv.com/index.php/topic,1561.0.html ).

IP 2a02:0180:0006:0001:0000:0000:0000:04a8 wouldn't allow my ssh connection. Smokeping monitoring shows it's offline since Dec 4 11:40 UTC. The control panel "traffic details" shows no data, the "traffic graphs" for the last day are really spotty (attached), "server status" is "on", and "Connection in datacenter/Network card 1: Not connected." This time I checked the webconsole--I do get a login prompt (but can't log in, probably because I've locked the console password. I'll fix that next time I'm in), so the VPS must be running, just has no network.

The machine is pretty much idle--ntp, fail2ban, nginx, and munin are about the only things running. Most of the traffic is from the debian apt updates.


 5. ae-12.530.edge2.Dallas2.Level3.net                                     0.2%  1107   16.6  18.2  16.2  76.0   4.9
 6. lo-0-v6.ear4.Frankfurt1.Level3.net                                     0.1%  1107  125.3 124.4 124.1 141.7   1.5
 7. 2a02:238::109:104:63:255                                              34.1%  1107  125.0 125.2 124.7 137.7   1.2
 8. ???
 9. 2a02:238:1:f075::1                                                     0.2%  1107  135.4 137.3 134.6 324.6  15.8
10. po162.ipv6.dsw-c6ka.as35366.net                                       86.6%  1106  135.1 135.3 132.9 183.1   4.9
11. ???

I'll leave it in the state (running but off-network) just in case y'all want to examine it.



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Re: CBCI closed Betatest server offline again
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2020, 01:51:31 PM »

It's been two weeks, so I quit waiting and hit the webreset button. I was then able to log in. As I suspected, logs on the guest server show that it was running the last two weeks, but it had no network.

This virtual server doesn't generate much traffic. Is it possible the host system is disabling the network if there's not enough activity?


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Re: CBCI closed Betatest server offline again
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2020, 08:36:41 PM »


the system does not disable network. Where in your logs you see there was not network in the last 2 weeks?

At the moment I see a

Code: [Select]
~]# ssh 2a02:0180:0006:0001:0000:0000:0000:04a8
ssh: connect to host 2a02:0180:0006:0001:0000:0000:0000:04a8 port 22: Connection refused

although the machine is pingable.

kind regards,


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Re: CBCI closed Betatest server offline again
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2020, 03:25:18 AM »

For those two+ weeks (Dec 4 - Dec 23), the machine was not responding to pings, ssh, or http. I checked from multiple locations in the US and .eu.

Once I rebooted it, I saw from the munin graphs and log entries that the guest VM had been running during those two+ weeks. It was not powered off.

The guest VM logs are filled with messages such as "Dec  4 11:53:38 eu1 ntpd[208]: error resolving pool 0.debian.pool.ntp.org: Temporary failure in name resolution (-3)". The first ntp error log entry coincides with when my external monitors showed the VM stopped responding to pings.

My conclusion is that the guest VM was running, NTP on the guest was constantly complaining about not being able to reach any servers, and the guest was not listening for ping, ssh, http, or https. Seems like a loss of network connectivity is the most likely cause.

I think I'll set a cronjob to do an mtr/traceroute once/hour or so and log it to a file. Maybe that will help to narrow down this network issue next time it goes offline.

Oh, here's an mtr run now that the guest is online again:

 5. AS3356   2001:1900:4:3::51                                                0.0%    10   16.5  17.6  16.2  24.1   2.5
 6. AS3356   2001:1900:2::3:12b                                               0.0%    10  124.5 124.4 124.1 124.5   0.0
 7. AS16097  2a02:238::109:104:63:255                                         0.0%    10  125.2 125.0 124.8 125.3   0.0
 8. ???
 9. AS16097  2a02:238:1:f075::1                                               0.0%    10  134.9 135.1 134.9 135.6   0.0
10. AS35366  2a02:180:6:9::9                                                  0.0%    10  133.3 135.1 133.0 144.9   3.5
11. AS35366  2a02:180:6:5::c                                                  0.0%    10  132.6 132.8 132.6 132.9   0.0
12. AS35366  2a02:180:6:1::4a8                                                0.0%    10  134.5 134.6 134.4 135.3   0.0

Compared to the mtr run from my initial post, you can see that 2a02:180:6:5::c and the guest, 2a02:180:6:1::4a8, are now responding.


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Re: CBCI closed Betatest server offline again
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2021, 05:38:38 PM »


we have done a lot of upgrade within the last weeks. Are your issue still present or gone?
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