1TB Online-Storage Olympia Edition / Storage Web-Client / Network News

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Author Topic: 1TB Online-Storage Olympia Edition / Storage Web-Client / Network News  (Read 13174 times)

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Susanne Frank

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1) Specials + Offers: 1TB Online-Storage „BackupHD Olympia Edition“
2) EUserv tips for practise: Working with Storage Web-Client for
3) Network News: Information about of EUserv's backbone changeover
4) Domain News: Price adjustment for .COM/.NET/.ORG/.BIZ/.INFO/.NAME
   domains to December 1, 2016

1) Specials + Offers: 1TB Online-Storage „BackupHD Olympia Edition“

Looking for an option to store your data, photos or music with secure
access at any time? Then hit the spot and store your data in the EUserv
cloud. In the context of the Olympic Summer Games EUserv offers 1000 GB
„BackupHD Olympia Edition 2016“ with secure access at any time at a special

Look and see the benefits and features of "BackupHD Olympia Edition":
   * 1.000 GByte Online-Storage
   * accessable via encrypted rsync, FTP, WebDAV or just a graphical
     web client
   * stored at EUserv's self owned and managed 100% German datacenter
     in Jena/Thuringia
   * upload and download as many files as you like
   * unlimited traffic
   * supports any popular data protection software
   * upgrade your plan at any time without re-import your backup data
   * 3 or 12 month possible contract terms
   * free setup for 12 months contract terms
   * reduced monthly fees for the entire contract term

More information and order:

2) EUserv tips for practise: Working with Storage Web-Client for

The Online-Storage „BackupHD“ is now aditionally accessible via EUserv
Storage Web-Client.

EUserv provides different customer tools rendering assistance to obtain
easy access to our Online-Storage service. In addition to WebDAV therefore
EUserv recently offers optional access via the EUserv Storage Web-Client.
Thereby users are able to reach their online stored data anytime and
anywhere with any browser.

Please use the following link to log in on the EUserv Storage Web-Client:

Then files can easily be downloaded, edited or uploaded. Because of HTTPS
connection your data are optimally protected during transmission. You'll
find your personal login for the EUserv Storage Web-Client in Euserv
customer panel under the point FTP Backup-Management

3) Network News: Information about of EUserv's backbone changeover

Since spring the EUserv network is revised thoroughly. EUserv network
evolved over a long time since 2005 and meanwhile does not longer meet the
requirements for the future.

To continue reliable operating EUserv switched Live-Network to a clean and
standardized annular Backbone-structure after a 3-month analysis and
testing phase.

Changes are already largely implemented and will be completed in the next
few weeks. Furthermore EUserv continues testing to observe robustness and
live-performance of the new Backbone-structure in order to run your EUserv
services still higher available.

Current information and technical details concerning the network offers
EUserv Forums:

4) Domain News: Price adjustment for .COM/.NET/.ORG/.BIZ/.INFO/.NAME
   domains to December 1, 2016

As announced in the newsletter from May 2nd, 2016 EUserv will prospectively
respond appropriately to domain price adjustments by the Domain-Registries.
For this reason we hereby inform about upcoming price changes enter into
force as from December 1st, 2016.

At due date prices for the following domains will effectively increase
about 0.20 EUR per month concerning the EUserv plans "Domain Basic" /
"Domain Lite":


Thus the price will increase from currently 0.99 EUR / month to EUR 1.19 /
month for these domains.

Domain prices concerning the plans "Domain Pro", "MailDomain Lite/Basic"
and "MailDomain Pro" won't increase. Price for any other domains won't
either change.

Why is this price adjustment necessary?

The various domain registries regularly exercise their right to increase
the fees for their domains annually. Furthermore the accounting of fees for
many Domains is made in US-Dollar and is therefor subjected to currency
fluctuations leading to currently higher purchase costs.
Previously EUserv usually compensated such price increases. But in the
future we won't keep up these compensations and pass on the costs to our

What will change for me?

With the exception of the above mentioned price increase nothing will
change for you. Current domain contracts settled from December 1st, 2016
will already be billed with the new price. Already settled contracts won't
be billed subsequently.

What happens to new orders until November 30th, 2016?

Orders received until November 30th, 2016 till 12:00 p.m. (CEST) will be
charged with the old price for one year. You are welcome to benefit yet.

Check availability of your desired domain here:

******************** More EM Editions 2016 promotions ********************

After the Euros is before the World cup … EUserv still celebrates the
biggest soccer event of the year till 2016, August 16th and offers virtual
and dedicated servers with interesting extra equipment and services as well
as attractive price advantages for longer contract periods with our EUserv
„EM-Edition 2016“ also including .EU Domains without any setup fee in plan
„MailDomain Pro“.

Get your EM-Edition special offer here: http://go.euserv.org/jm


« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 09:52:57 AM by susanneateuserv »

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