VPS / virtual private servers > Virtual servers - general

Open port 443 for VS2-free


How can I open port:443 in VS2-free with OpenSUSE 42.2 system. I checked SuSEfirewall.d in etc/sysconfig and it has the software I use showing TCP and UDP = "443". However, when I scanned my server, Nmap result showed that only port 22 for SSH service open; other ports are all closed. How can I config the firewall?


if you want to use Port 443 you must run an application i.e. Apache at this port. Per Default this Port is not blocked.

I run ocserv in 443 port and I checked /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall.d/service that the ocserv file have tcp="443" and udp="443". Does this firewall run in docker? Should I install another firewall?


I think for your issue you must open a post in SuSE's forum since this looks line a SuSE related topic.


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