For all Hosting plans with PHP support, PHP 5.6 is now available.
The change of the PHP version can be done for the entire webspace globally via the customer panel by using the "PHP Configurator".
PHP 5.6 offers an interactive debugger (available as SAPI module) with "phpdbg" using the "use" operator; classes, functions and constants can now be included.
In addition, the support of SSL/TLS has been improved. This applies especially to the advanced control of protocol and verification settings.
The coding options "iconv" and "mbstring" are now classified as "deprecated" in PHP 5.6. Their place is now taking over by "default_charset".
More information about the migrating to PHP 5.6 can be found on the official developer sites:
http://php.net/manual/de/migration56.new-features.phphttp://php.net/manual/de/migration56.deprecated.phpkind regards,