I rented a VPS Pro XL EM-Edition 2016 a few days ago, and today I can finally take the time to start configuring it. Sadly I repeatedly get this error message when I try to install or run things:
fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
A quick search
confirmed the obvious: this message means I don't have enough RAM. However, top shows that I'm supposed to have +/-7 GB of free RAM...
Does my VPS really own 8 dedicated GB of RAM, or is the RAM provide as "best effort"? I don't really need 8 GB, but I do need 4 GB
AND not to run into issues caused by the system having actually less RAM than it believes it has.
If this is an known issue, I'd like you to please cancel my VPS and credit its prorated value back into my account (no need for a PayPal refund, I'll use it to pay for my dedicated server - or you can do a PayPal refund if that's easier), as the VPS is unusable as-is. I can't even install fail2ban so I can't even secure it properly!
Here is a screenshot of me trying to install fail2ban:

and a
top just after (note how many times I had to try to get it started...):

(Please tell me if I should open a ticket about this)
Thank you